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6th Grade Memory book
History of Volleyball
“Mrs.Larue, what did you think about when Ike sent you letters every afternoon,” the interviewer asked. “Well,he was being a bit over dramatic about wanting to come home.” “Did he ever send rude letters?” “No, never but he gets a little pushy but he is greatly missed by me.” “How do you feel about sending him to the so called “horrible place?” I feel bad but I know he needed it.” ” One last question Mrs. Larue.” “Yes, dear. What is it?” What do you think about Ike now that he has saved your from getting hit by a huge truck?” asked the Interviewer. “I feel that Ike doesn’t need to b obedient because to me he is already perfect and heroic, ” said Larue. “Aw, well wasn’t that such an adorable moment.”
Westward Expansion
Hello,my name is Karsyn and i’m a Pioneer.I have decided to migrate to the Western Frontier of the United States,in search of a better life. Now off I go on the Wagon Train, I will talk again soon. I’m so tired and hungry,but we can’t stop and take a break until captain say’s. Good new’s we are almost here we have about 5 days left,it has been a tough journey that’s for sure.Last night before we put our wagons in a circle we got attacked by Indians. We have already rode the Oregon Trail,it’s quite long if you ask me. Bad news,we just lost someone to a sickness! Well it’s about time I go to bed,talk soon! Good morning, we are at a ranch right now helping out with our cattle drive. I’m so sorry yesterday I was very busy but I’m back and we’re here finally! Currently we are building log cabin for my family. We are done it’s so amazing here and everyone is so much happier than they were. Oh my goodness,I forgot all about ya’ll i’m so sorry,it’s about 3 months later now. Just wondering is it possible for it to get any better,because it has! I think ya’ll know how my life is now,so good bye !
U.S. 1789-1815
Karsyn:President Thomas Jefferson, Star Spangled Banner
Emily:President John Adams, Louisiana Purchase
Sidney:Battle of Tippecanoe,War of 1812
Matthew:President George Washington,Lewis and Clark
Patriot Poem
Carried pitchers of water to all of the soldiers
Helped with cannon duty during war
Molly Pitcher is her nickname
Molly Pitcher
Widow during war
She did a man’s duty
Real name is Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley
She was known as a very brave,heroic women
Day In The Life As A Colonial Homemaker
Hi diary, I just woke up now it’s time to do laundry before everyone else wakes up. But, first to do laundry I need to go get water and haul it back to the house. Then I need to heat the water for laundry. Finally, I can wash the clothes,let them dry,and then fold them for the family. Now,it’s time to feed all the animals. Then it’s time to wake up the children,make them breakfast, then I need to get them bathed,and dressed. Since everyone has been taken care of I can finally make myself food and I can have a couple minutes of me time while the kids are playing. Then, It will be time for me to help them with their reading skills. But,when i’m done with that , since Thanksgiving is near I need to start thinking about what i’m going to serve for my family,then i’ll be back to the daily chores. So,it’s now time to gather the kids again and serve them lunch,then we can go pick fruits to eat as a snack while my husband is away,and can’t catch us any food. We are back,we found lots of apples so I think it would be a fun activity to teach my two daughters how to make apple pie. We have finished making the pie,and the girls said they want to save the pie for when their father gets back home tomorrow. As if now, I have about 2 hours of non working time,so i’ll write again at about 5:00pm. My time is up,now i’m off to go make a dinner,today I feel pretty energized so I’m going to make a nice dinner. So,now we have eaten our Chicken,and our bread with a side of butter. It’s finally time for me to put the girls to sleep.While they’re asleep i’m going to make soap,first I need to go start a big fire,then i’m going to mix lye and animal fat. My arms are getting really tired because,I’ve been stirring for about 5 minutes,luckily this got thick pretty quick.Now, i’m pouring my mixture in a pan so it can harden,but be careful with lye it can burn your skin. I’ve had a pretty busy day so now i’m going to clean up. I’ve cleaned up and now i’m going to sleep goodnight.
One Spooky Midnight, five girls went to a haunted house. Makenna was really scared to go in because,earlier that night some man told us that a Vampire was possessing people,and they’re going missing.When we pushed her into the haunted house ,she screamed”ahhhhhhhhh!!”‘Then Mallory went to a room with Danica,they had a feeling someone or something was watching them,so they left. But,Mallory realized that she left her phone.She went to go get it by herself ,then she found herself in a coffin with a vampire in a secret room! After a while,everyone got worried so they searched the haunted house,but they didn’t find her. They remembered well maybe we can call her phone,so they did. They heard her phone in the secret room but they didn’t see where Mallory was until she heard them,so she screamed for help. Shortly after the 5 friends were reunited and closer than ever. The End (Or Is It!!!!!)